Hypnobirthing is increasingly being used by many women to encourage as gentle as possible birth. Your midwife will be there to support and keep your labour safe, but will not prompt you on how to push or what position to be in unless there is a complication. Women in hospitals are often used to being told what to do during labour, and become reliant on staff to tell them how to push, what positions to get into, and how to breathe. This can disable your own instinctive natural behaviour, often leading to a different route for your labour.
Waterbirths are becoming increasingly popular in birthing centres but can now be used at home. It is believed that since your baby has been developing in the amniotic fluid sac for nine months their birth is likely to be gentler, since the water creates a similar environment. Water is one of the most natural forms of pain relief that there is, and is often referred to as the natural epidural.
Hypnobirthing is increasingly being used by many women in order to encourage as gentle as possible a birth. Hypnobirthing can reduce the length of your labour and the use of visualisation can help you feel more confident and less anxious, as well as create a positive environment for both you and your baby.